Duas metas para reabrir a exposição foram atingidas com sucesso! Agradecemos a todas e todos os apoiadores! Contribua agora para a terceira meta de ampliação do projeto educativo da exposição! 1 milhão contra a censura!

A exposição Queermuseu foi criada como uma plataforma de diálogo e debate sobre a diferença na arte brasileira. E foi justamente a intolerância com a diferença que levou ao fechamento da exposição e à autoritária interrupção desse diálogo. A censura se torna ainda mais grave quando parte do prefeito de uma das cidades mais diversas do mundo. E ainda por cima baseada em mentiras e suposições falsas. O prefeito do Rio de Janeiro, Marcelo Crivella, afirmou que a população carioca não quer a exposição. Ninguém nos perguntou nada.
Chegou a hora de respondermos mesmo assim:

A arte nos mobiliza pela empatia. O que mobiliza nos transforma. O que nos transforma é afeto. Essa não é uma campanha sobre o mérito artístico da exposição e nem sobre suas obras. Ninguém pode ser obrigado a ver ou gostar de nada. Da mesma forma, ninguém pode ser privado ou cerceado do acesso ao conhecimento e à expressão artística. É exatamente por essa liberdade que ninguém pode ser proibido de pensar, ver, apreciar, criticar, dialogar e ter a própria opinião. Essa campanha é sobre liberdade de escolha, expressão e opinião, direitos tão duramente conquistados e que nos foram cerceados. É sobre democracia.
Quando o prefeito mistura política com moralismo e censura, ele fere os princípios da democracia e manipula a sociedade em benefício de seus interesses e crenças pessoais. Reabrir Queermuseu é reparar em parte o dano causado ao patrimônio cultural e artístico brasileiro, ocasionado pelo seu fechamento precoce e autoritário e o processo difamatório associado. A reabertura da exposição é também um ato político contra a censura e em favor da liberdade de expressão e de escolha.
Para realizar a exposição, criamos esta campanha de financiamento coletivo, que, por si só, é uma ferramenta de diálogo e legitimidade do projeto. A campanha avança pela força da sociedade. Ela é o instrumento democrático que possibilitará o acesso a liberdade de escolha.
Mesmo que você não possa ou não tenha interesse específico em ver a exposição, contribuir para a reabertura de Queermuseu é participar de um momento histórico de mobilização da sociedade contra a censura. É tornar-se agente fundamental de uma das mais importantes exposições brasileiras da década e a primeira exposição queer já feita na América Latina. É igualmente contribuir com uma das mais importantes escolas de arte livre do país.
Ao contribuir com o projeto, seu nome estará no novo catálogo da exposição e em sua história para que as futuras gerações se lembrem de quando a população brasileira se uniu contra a difamação e o falso moralismo de uma campanha fundamentada em uma sociedade patriarcal e heteronormativa em prol da arte e da liberdade criativa.
A arrecadação é tudo ou nada. Precisamos alcançar a meta até o final do prazo para receber o dinheiro, entregar as recompensas e realizar a exposição e reabrir o debate. Caso contrário, o dinheiro volta integralmente para os apoiadores e o projeto não acontece. Convidamos você a se engajar na reabertura da mostra como forma de restabelecer um diálogo aberto, público e respeitoso entre todos e para todos.
Contribua e compartilhe a campanha e vamos juntos dar um basta na censura e no falso moralismo!
Queermuseum at Parque Lage
Working together to reopen the censored exhibition and reestablish the dialogue that has been interrupted!
The Queermuseum exhibition has been conceived as a platform for dialogue and debate on diversity in Brazilian Arts. However, intolerance to diversity and the authoritarian interruption of the debate on diversity have caused the exhibition to be shut down. Censorship proves to be even more serious when the mayor of one of the most diverse cities in the world feels free to censor the exhibition, especially because such censorship is based on lies and false assumptions. Rio de Janeiro Mayor, Marcelo Crivella, has said that the carioca* (Native of the City of Rio de Janeiro) people does not want the exhibition to be held in the city. Nobody has asked us a thing.
It is high time we take a stance:Who wants queer?
Arts make us do something based on sympathy. What makes us do something transforms us. What transforms us is affection. This campaign is not based on the artistic merit of the exhibition nor its artistic work. Nobody has to be forced to see or like something. Similarly, nobody should be prevented or impeded from having access to knowledge and artistic expression. It is because of that freedom that nobody should be prevented from thinking, seeing, enjoying, criticizing, establishing a conversation, and having their own opinion. This campaign is about freedom of choice, expression, and opinion. Those are hard-earned rights that have been denied to us. This campaign is also about democracy.
The moment the mayor mixes up politics with moralism and censorship, he hurts the democratic principle and manipulates society to benefit his own interests and personal creed. Reopening the Queermuseum exhibition is to partially repair the harm inflicted to the Brazilian cultural and artistic heritage that resulted from the early and authoritarian shutdown and the smear campaign against the exhibition. Reopening the exhibition is also a political stance against censorship. It is an action to foster freedom of expression and choice.
To hold the exhibition, we have set up this crowd funding campaign, which, in itself, is a tool for dialogue and legitimacy of the project. The campaign moves forward because of the power of society. It is the democratic instrument that will enable access to freedom of choice.
Even if you cannot attend, or if you have no particular wish to see the exhibition, donating to reopening the Queermuseum exhibition is taking part in a historical moment for bringing the society into action against censorship. It means to be a crucial agent in one of the most important Brazilian exhibitions in the decade and the first queer exhibition ever held in Latin America. It also means contributing to one of the most important free art schools in Brazil.
By contributing to the project, your name will be on the new catalogue to the exhibition and in the history of the exhibition so that future generations are reminded of a moment when the Brazilian population fought against smear and false morality of a campaign based on a patriarchal and heteronormative society in order to stimulate the arts and creative freedom.
It is an AON (all-or-nothing) fundraising model. We need to reach the goal until the deadline in order to receive the funds, deliver the rewards, hold the exhibition and resume the debate. Otherwise, funds are to be returned to donors and the exhibition is not going to be held. We want you to engage in reopening the exhibition as a way to reestablish an open, public and respectful dialogue with all and for all.
Make a donation and spread the word on the campaign. Let us work together to put an end to censorship and false morality!
Working together to reopen the censored exhibition and reestablish the dialogue that has been interrupted!
The Queermuseum exhibition has been conceived as a platform for dialogue and debate on diversity in Brazilian Arts. However, intolerance to diversity and the authoritarian interruption of the debate on diversity have caused the exhibition to be shut down. Censorship proves to be even more serious when the mayor of one of the most diverse cities in the world feels free to censor the exhibition, especially because such censorship is based on lies and false assumptions. Rio de Janeiro Mayor, Marcelo Crivella, has said that the carioca* (Native of the City of Rio de Janeiro) people does not want the exhibition to be held in the city. Nobody has asked us a thing.
It is high time we take a stance:Who wants queer?
Arts make us do something based on sympathy. What makes us do something transforms us. What transforms us is affection. This campaign is not based on the artistic merit of the exhibition nor its artistic work. Nobody has to be forced to see or like something. Similarly, nobody should be prevented or impeded from having access to knowledge and artistic expression. It is because of that freedom that nobody should be prevented from thinking, seeing, enjoying, criticizing, establishing a conversation, and having their own opinion. This campaign is about freedom of choice, expression, and opinion. Those are hard-earned rights that have been denied to us. This campaign is also about democracy.
The moment the mayor mixes up politics with moralism and censorship, he hurts the democratic principle and manipulates society to benefit his own interests and personal creed. Reopening the Queermuseum exhibition is to partially repair the harm inflicted to the Brazilian cultural and artistic heritage that resulted from the early and authoritarian shutdown and the smear campaign against the exhibition. Reopening the exhibition is also a political stance against censorship. It is an action to foster freedom of expression and choice.
To hold the exhibition, we have set up this crowd funding campaign, which, in itself, is a tool for dialogue and legitimacy of the project. The campaign moves forward because of the power of society. It is the democratic instrument that will enable access to freedom of choice.
Even if you cannot attend, or if you have no particular wish to see the exhibition, donating to reopening the Queermuseum exhibition is taking part in a historical moment for bringing the society into action against censorship. It means to be a crucial agent in one of the most important Brazilian exhibitions in the decade and the first queer exhibition ever held in Latin America. It also means contributing to one of the most important free art schools in Brazil.
By contributing to the project, your name will be on the new catalogue to the exhibition and in the history of the exhibition so that future generations are reminded of a moment when the Brazilian population fought against smear and false morality of a campaign based on a patriarchal and heteronormative society in order to stimulate the arts and creative freedom.
It is an AON (all-or-nothing) fundraising model. We need to reach the goal until the deadline in order to receive the funds, deliver the rewards, hold the exhibition and resume the debate. Otherwise, funds are to be returned to donors and the exhibition is not going to be held. We want you to engage in reopening the exhibition as a way to reestablish an open, public and respectful dialogue with all and for all.
Make a donation and spread the word on the campaign. Let us work together to put an end to censorship and false morality!

A diferença é um dos fundamentos do queer, termo de origem pejorativa que teve seu significado transformado nos anos 1980 na luta por direitos civis e movimentos LGBTQIA+. Desde então, queer passou a designar a diversidade e o direito a uma existência fora da norma.
Queermuseu: cartografias da diferença na arte brasileira explora a expressão e identidade de gênero, a diversidade e a diferença na arte brasileira por meio de um conjunto de obras que percorrem um arco histórico de meados do século XX até a atualidade. A exposição reúne 264 obras de 85 artistas, provenientes de coleções públicas e privadas, e igualmente representativas da diversidade estética, geográfica e geracional da produção artística do Brasil.
Em sua primeira apresentação (realizada no Santander Cultural, Porto Alegre, de 15 de agosto a 10 de setembro, quando foi abruptamente interrompida), Queermuseu se propunha a ser “um museu provisório”, de caráter metafórico, cujo objetivo é propiciar um campo de investigação sobre o caráter patriarcal e heteronormativo do museu como instituição ao fazê-lo constituir uma plataforma de experiência para exercitar o pensamento de outra forma, ou seja, “pensar fora da norma”. É uma exposição fundada na democracia e na visão de um processo de inclusão.", conforme nos indica o texto do curador da mostra, Gaudêncio Fidelis. Depois, a exposição seria acolhida pelo Museu de Arte do Rio (MAR), mas foi censurada pelo prefeito da cidade, que declarou em um vídeo que a exposição só aconteceria se fosse “no fundo do mar”.
Queermuseu: cartografias da diferença na arte brasileira nasceu e foi interrompida em decorrência de uma campanha difamatória que proclamou que seu conteúdo faria “apologia à pedofilia”. Todas as acusações que a exposição sofreu na ocasião foram desmentidas pelo Ministério Público Federal, que se manifestou afirmando não haver crime de qualquer espécie tendo recomendado inclusive a imediata reabertura da exposição.
Quem teve a oportunidade de visitar Queermuseu sabe que não há nenhum tipo de apologia a esses crimes. Em tempos de notícias falsas e polêmicas vazias, é importante formar opiniões embasadas, o que será perfeitamente possível uma vez resolvido o dilema que a censura nos impôs: aquele de termos uma exposição fechada sem que fosse possível à sociedade verificar com seus próprios olhos o conteúdo. E você só pode formar a sua própria opinião se a exposição for reaberta ao público.
No Parque Lage, a exposição será aberta em maio de 2018, uma vez que a campanha seja bem-sucedida. Será adotada uma postura institucional responsável em relação aos diferentes públicos com sua programação e, por isso, serão aplicadas as orientações previstas no Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente.
The Exhibition
Diversity is one of the backbones of the queer movement. The word queer was a term of abuse whose meaning was reinvented by the LGBTQIA+ movements on their struggle for civil rights during the 80’s. Since then, queer refers to diversity and the right to lead a non-heteronormative life.
Queermuseum: cartographies of diversity in Brazilian Arts exploits gender expression and identity, diversity and differences in Brazilian Arts by means of a set of artistic pieces in the historical period between the second half of the twentieth century and today. The exhibition has 264 pieces of 85 artists. Such pieces belong to public and private collections and equally represent the aesthetic, geographical, and generational diversity of artistic production in Brazil.
During its first performance (held at Santander Cultural, in Porto Alegre, from 15th August to 10th September, when it was abruptly interrupted), Queermuseum aimed to be “a temporary museum”, of a metaphorical nature, in order to enable the study of the patriarchal and heteronormative nature of museums as institutions by turning the museum into an experimental platform to try and think differently, that is, “think outside the norm”. According to Gaudêncio Fidelis, curator of the Queermuseum, “it is an exhibition rooted in democracy and the perspective of an inclusive process.” After its first performance in Porto Alegre, the exhibition was supposed to be held at Rio Art Museum (MAR), however, it has been censored by Rio de Janeiro Mayor, who stated in a video that the exhibition would only be held in Rio if the venue were ‘the seafloor’.
Queermuseum: cartographies of diversity in Brazilian Arts came into existence and was interrupted due to a smear campaign that stated the content of the exhibition is ‘in defense of pedophilia’. All of the accusations against the exhibition were proven to be wrong by the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office that has stated the exhibition committed no crime whatsoever. The institution even recommended the exhibition be reopened immediately.
He who had the chance to visit the Queermuseum exhibition knows too well there was no defense of those types of crime. In times of fake news and meaningless controversy, it is key to lay sound foundations to our opinion; doing so will be perfectly possible once we overcome the dilemma posed by the censorship: which is having an exhibition shut down before people could see its content for themselves. One can only have their own opinion if the exhibition is reopen to the public.
At Parque Lage, once the campaign is successful, the exhibition is going to be open in May 2018. There will be an accountable institutional attitude as regards the different audiences and their schedule; therefore, the exhibition shall comply with the guidelines of the Children Act 1989.
Diversity is one of the backbones of the queer movement. The word queer was a term of abuse whose meaning was reinvented by the LGBTQIA+ movements on their struggle for civil rights during the 80’s. Since then, queer refers to diversity and the right to lead a non-heteronormative life.
Queermuseum: cartographies of diversity in Brazilian Arts exploits gender expression and identity, diversity and differences in Brazilian Arts by means of a set of artistic pieces in the historical period between the second half of the twentieth century and today. The exhibition has 264 pieces of 85 artists. Such pieces belong to public and private collections and equally represent the aesthetic, geographical, and generational diversity of artistic production in Brazil.
During its first performance (held at Santander Cultural, in Porto Alegre, from 15th August to 10th September, when it was abruptly interrupted), Queermuseum aimed to be “a temporary museum”, of a metaphorical nature, in order to enable the study of the patriarchal and heteronormative nature of museums as institutions by turning the museum into an experimental platform to try and think differently, that is, “think outside the norm”. According to Gaudêncio Fidelis, curator of the Queermuseum, “it is an exhibition rooted in democracy and the perspective of an inclusive process.” After its first performance in Porto Alegre, the exhibition was supposed to be held at Rio Art Museum (MAR), however, it has been censored by Rio de Janeiro Mayor, who stated in a video that the exhibition would only be held in Rio if the venue were ‘the seafloor’.
Queermuseum: cartographies of diversity in Brazilian Arts came into existence and was interrupted due to a smear campaign that stated the content of the exhibition is ‘in defense of pedophilia’. All of the accusations against the exhibition were proven to be wrong by the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office that has stated the exhibition committed no crime whatsoever. The institution even recommended the exhibition be reopened immediately.
He who had the chance to visit the Queermuseum exhibition knows too well there was no defense of those types of crime. In times of fake news and meaningless controversy, it is key to lay sound foundations to our opinion; doing so will be perfectly possible once we overcome the dilemma posed by the censorship: which is having an exhibition shut down before people could see its content for themselves. One can only have their own opinion if the exhibition is reopen to the public.
At Parque Lage, once the campaign is successful, the exhibition is going to be open in May 2018. There will be an accountable institutional attitude as regards the different audiences and their schedule; therefore, the exhibition shall comply with the guidelines of the Children Act 1989.
Desde sua fundação há mais de 40 anos, a Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage, no Rio de Janeiro, desenvolve programas de ensino em arte voltados para a formação de artistas, curadores, pesquisadores e interessados em estabelecer ou aprofundar o contato com a arte.
Durante a segunda metade da década de 1970, o local se transformou num ponto de ebulição da liberdade de expressão que desafiava o academicismo e a censura imposta pelo regime militar. A EAV abrigou alguns dos eventos culturais mais importantes da época, como uma montagem da peça O Rei da Vela elaborada por José Celso Martinez Corrêa, uma exposição inédita de fotografias de Mario de Andrade, além de inúmeros shows de música com Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gil, Milton Nascimento, Cazuza, Fagner e Chico César.
Foi na EAV que a poesia marginal, a mais importante expressão literária contracultural de resistência, encontrou seu espaço de criação e de realização de performances e eventos. Foi na EAV que Francisco Bittencourt sediou nossa primeira e importante revista gay, Lampião. Em 1967, Glauber Rocha filmou Terra em Transe lá, e, em 1968, a piscina ficou nacionalmente famosa, quando Joaquim Pedro de Andrade fez dela o grande caldeirão da cultura brasileira em “Macunaíma”. Em 1984 a EAV sediou a grande exposição Como Vai Você Geração 80? Um grande panorama da arte brasileira emergente que mostrou uma nova feição da arte do país, pós abertura política.
Hoje, abrir as portas para receber a exposição Queermuseu é um gesto condizente com a história da instituição que tem como objetivo criar uma plataforma de diálogo e de debate sobre o papel da arte em uma sociedade democrática onde a liberdade de expressão existe de forma soberana e em sintonia com o mundo.
The Visual Arts School of Parque Lage (VAS)
Since its foundation over 40 years ago, the Visual Arts School of Parque Lage (VAS) in Rio de Janeiro, has developed teaching programs in Arts targeted at training artists, curators, researchers, and people interested in establishing and deepening their contact with the Arts.
During late 70’s, the area became a hub for freedom of expression that challenged the scholarly tradition and the censorship imposed by the military regime. The VAS was the venue for some of the most important cultural events at the time, such as the setting up, by José Celso Martinez Corrêa, of the play O Rei da Vela (The Candle King); a new exhibition of Mario de Andrade pictures , as well as, many concerts by Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gil, Milton Nascimento, Cazuza, Fagner, and Chico César.
At VAS, marginal poetry (poesia marginal), the most important counterculture literary expression of resistance, has found a safe haven for creation and holding performances and events. VAS was the venue where Francisco Bittencourt hosted the first and significant gay magazine, Lampião. In 1967, Glauber Rocha shot Terra em Transe (Entranced Earth) there, and, in 1968, the pool became known across Brazil when Joaquim Pedro de Andrade transformed it into the big melting pot of Brazilian culture in the movie “Macunaíma”. In 1984, the VAS held the great exhibition Como Vai Você Geração 80? (free translation: How are you, 80’s generation?) A great overview of emerging Brazilian Arts that showed new aspects of the art in Brazil after the political openness following the end of the military dictatorship.
Nowadays, opening the doors to the Queermuseum exhibition is consistent with the history of the institution that aims to create a platform of dialogue and debate about the role of the Arts in a democratic society where there is sovereign freedom of expression in tune with the world.
Since its foundation over 40 years ago, the Visual Arts School of Parque Lage (VAS) in Rio de Janeiro, has developed teaching programs in Arts targeted at training artists, curators, researchers, and people interested in establishing and deepening their contact with the Arts.
During late 70’s, the area became a hub for freedom of expression that challenged the scholarly tradition and the censorship imposed by the military regime. The VAS was the venue for some of the most important cultural events at the time, such as the setting up, by José Celso Martinez Corrêa, of the play O Rei da Vela (The Candle King); a new exhibition of Mario de Andrade pictures , as well as, many concerts by Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gil, Milton Nascimento, Cazuza, Fagner, and Chico César.
At VAS, marginal poetry (poesia marginal), the most important counterculture literary expression of resistance, has found a safe haven for creation and holding performances and events. VAS was the venue where Francisco Bittencourt hosted the first and significant gay magazine, Lampião. In 1967, Glauber Rocha shot Terra em Transe (Entranced Earth) there, and, in 1968, the pool became known across Brazil when Joaquim Pedro de Andrade transformed it into the big melting pot of Brazilian culture in the movie “Macunaíma”. In 1984, the VAS held the great exhibition Como Vai Você Geração 80? (free translation: How are you, 80’s generation?) A great overview of emerging Brazilian Arts that showed new aspects of the art in Brazil after the political openness following the end of the military dictatorship.
Nowadays, opening the doors to the Queermuseum exhibition is consistent with the history of the institution that aims to create a platform of dialogue and debate about the role of the Arts in a democratic society where there is sovereign freedom of expression in tune with the world.
As Cavalariças do Parque Lage, o espaço que abrigará a exposição, passará por uma adaptação para adquirir condições museológicas, incluindo climatização e desumidificação do espaço, adaptação de paredes e outras melhorias. A obra é necessária para receber as obras com segurança. A reforma do espaço também beneficiará futuras exposições no local, permanecendo como legado da mobilização da sociedade para uma escola de vanguarda como EAV e toda a população carioca.
Se conseguirmos ultrapassar a meta, outras melhorias serão realizadas nas Cavalariças, como a pintura completa da área externa.
The Renovation
Parque Lage Liveries, the area where the exhibition is to be held, is to undergo renovation in order to become museum-like, by installing acclimatization equipment and dehumifiers, adjustment of the walls, and other amenities. It is important to renovate the area so that all artistic pieces are kept in safety. The renewal shall also benefit future exhibitions to be held at the same venue. It will remain as a legacy of society mobilization to an avant-garde school such as VAS, and the carioca population at large.
If we manage to surpass the goal, other improvements shall be done in the Liveries, such as fully painting the external area.
Parque Lage Liveries, the area where the exhibition is to be held, is to undergo renovation in order to become museum-like, by installing acclimatization equipment and dehumifiers, adjustment of the walls, and other amenities. It is important to renovate the area so that all artistic pieces are kept in safety. The renewal shall also benefit future exhibitions to be held at the same venue. It will remain as a legacy of society mobilization to an avant-garde school such as VAS, and the carioca population at large.
If we manage to surpass the goal, other improvements shall be done in the Liveries, such as fully painting the external area.

A exposição virá acompanhada de uma extensa plataforma de debates sobre um conjunto de questões variadas e amplas de grande interesse da sociedade e que não envolvem exclusivamente questões artísticas.
Educational Project
The exhibition will host an extensive array of debate platforms on a wide set of issues pertaining Brazilian society, such issues are not exclusively related to the artistic world.
The exhibition will host an extensive array of debate platforms on a wide set of issues pertaining Brazilian society, such issues are not exclusively related to the artistic world.
Esta é uma proposta pautada no diálogo e na diversidade. Acreditamos que, pelo alcance popular que adquiriu, o financiamento coletivo é a melhor alternativa para a viabilização da exposição. Afinal, a pergunta está colocada: a população carioca quer ter o direito de ver as obras presentes em Queermuseu?
O engajamento do público no processo de financiamento desta exposição é, portanto, a expressão mais forte de sua legitimidade.
A campanha é tudo ou nada. Se a meta for alcançada dentro do prazo, a exposição acontece no Parque Lage. Caso contrário, todo o dinheiro é devolvido aos apoiadores e a mostra continua fechada.
Além do convite para participar da realização de Queermuseu: cartografias da diferença na arte brasileira, oferecemos também recompensas para quem contribuir. Todos os apoiadores poderão visitar a exposição e seus nomes, caso queiram, estarão nos créditos da mostra e em destaque no museu.
The Crowdfunding
This proposal is based on dialogue and diversity. We believe that, due to the popular range it has achieved, crowd funding is the best alternative to enable the exhibition to take place. After all, the question has been asked: would the carioca population like to have the right to seeing the artistic pieces in the Queermuseum exhibition?
Public commitment in the process of raising funds for this exhibition is, therefore, the greatest expression of its legitimacy.
It is an AON campaign. If we reach the target before the deadline, the exhibition is to be held at Parque Lage. Otherwise, the funds are returned to donors and the exhibition remains closed.
Other than the invitation to join the Queermuseum: cartographies of diversity in Brazilian Arts, we also offer rewards to donors. They can visit the exhibition and their names, if they approve of it, will be listed in the credits to the exhibition and be highlighted in the museum.
This proposal is based on dialogue and diversity. We believe that, due to the popular range it has achieved, crowd funding is the best alternative to enable the exhibition to take place. After all, the question has been asked: would the carioca population like to have the right to seeing the artistic pieces in the Queermuseum exhibition?
Public commitment in the process of raising funds for this exhibition is, therefore, the greatest expression of its legitimacy.
It is an AON campaign. If we reach the target before the deadline, the exhibition is to be held at Parque Lage. Otherwise, the funds are returned to donors and the exhibition remains closed.
Other than the invitation to join the Queermuseum: cartographies of diversity in Brazilian Arts, we also offer rewards to donors. They can visit the exhibition and their names, if they approve of it, will be listed in the credits to the exhibition and be highlighted in the museum.
Você pode colaborar com recompensas entre 20 reais (sem nome no catálogo) e 8 mil e quinhentos (levando um kit com 7 múltiplos de artistas brasileiros).
Para empresas parceiras e galerias montamos as faixas de 10 a 100 mil reais, que você pode conferir na coluna de recompensas ao lado.
Colaborando com 1000 reais você ganha uma edição do catálogo original da exposição em porto alegre, são as 10 últimas unidades. Uma raridade!
Já pela colaboração de 180 reais você levará o novo catálogo, versão da exposição no Rio de Janeiro, Parque Lage.
Se o primeiro catálogo da exposição Queermuseu, hoje esgotado e raro, representa uma extraordinária contribuição à história de exposições e ao conhecimento, o novo volume que será editado para a sua reabertura no Parque Lage busca dar contribuição ao conhecimento avançado e à surpreendente trajetória desse evento. Com 9 textos inéditos e informações técnicas esta publicação promete ser fundamental para os estudos de critica, curadoria e história de exposições. O design gráfico obedecerá ao mesmo padrão da primeira edição, diferenciando-se apenas pela identidade que será adotada para a versão na EAV.
Conteúdo em Português e inglês – com 9 textos inéditos + Fotografias da montagem da exposição em Porto Alegre + Fotografias da manifestação contra o fechamento da exposição e outros documentos visuais adicionais + Lista de obras + Lista de doadores da campanha de financiamento + Lista de agradecimentos e emprestadores.
Características técnicas:
26,5 x 26,5 cm – Capa dura – 4x4 cores – Papel couché fosco 170gr.
26,5 x 26,5 cm – Capa dura – 4x4 cores – Papel couché fosco 170gr.

Você também pode colaborar com 130 reais e levar uma linda camisa feita em parceria com a Touts, com nossa estampa #EuQueroQueer (camisas disponíveis em branco, cinza e raglan).

O processo é simples: você escolhe a camisa como recompensa, faz a colaboração e recebe, ao final da campanha, um e-mail com um cupom e o link para escolher sua estampa, informar o endereço de entrega e finalizar sua compra pagando apenas o frete. (Residentes da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, também poderão imprimir suas camisas em um dos quiosques da Touts, que ficam no Barra Shopping, Rio Sul e Shopping Tijuca).
A meta de R$690 mil é um enorme desafio. Não é fácil - e nem barato - realizar uma exposição deste porte. O espaço precisa de reformas estruturais para receber a mostra. As obras se espalharam pelo Brasil após o fechamento em Porto Alegre e portanto a logística tem um custo elevado.
Acreditamos que a melhor forma de financiar essa volta de Queermuseu é pela força do coletivo. Precisamos de milhares de apoiadores! Por isso, colabore e compartilhe o projeto com seus amigos!
The USD 212,000,000 target is a huge challenge. It is not easy – neither low cost – to hold such a big exhibition. Our premises need structural renovation in order to host the exhibition. The artistic works belonging to the collection have been sent to various areas of Brazil after the shutdown in Porto Alegre, and therefore, logistics is high-cost.
We believe the best way to raise funds for the comeback of the Queermuseum is by means of a collective effort. We need thousands of donors! For this reason, help us and spread the word on the project! Tell your friends about it!
The USD 212,000,000 target is a huge challenge. It is not easy – neither low cost – to hold such a big exhibition. Our premises need structural renovation in order to host the exhibition. The artistic works belonging to the collection have been sent to various areas of Brazil after the shutdown in Porto Alegre, and therefore, logistics is high-cost.
We believe the best way to raise funds for the comeback of the Queermuseum is by means of a collective effort. We need thousands of donors! For this reason, help us and spread the word on the project! Tell your friends about it!

The VAS is an educational center for contemporary art; a cultural center for training people and a documentation center on arts and artists. As a national reference center, it aims at establishing a fruitful dialogue with the city and the national and international Arts circuits.
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